For more than twenty years we have been warning Irish Water Spaniel owners to alert their Veterinary Practices to the risks involved in giving the POTENTIATED SULPHONAMIDEgroup of antibiotics to our breed.
Most vets would not prescribe these anymore although it would still be possible that large animal vets might.
It is therefore still advisable to alert your veterinary practice not to prescribe any of the following for your IWS:-
• Co-trimoxazole
• Tribrissen
• Trimacare
• Chanoprim,
• Duphatrim
• Trimedoxine
• Norodine
• Trinacol
In addition susceptibility to ivermectin an anti parasitic drug has been reported. This may be because IWS have been identified as having the MDR1 mutation, or multi drug resistance.
The Kennel Club has introduced breed health standards. Genetic diversity key for health testing for Irish water spaniels