Russell Dodd is a professional photographer and IWS owner whose portraiture of our breed is world renowned. Below is a link to his recently published article and podcast, also on Project Upland.
Patrice Dodd has been doing scenting work with her IWS “Carlin”, and here is a link to her article:-
The recently published “Gundog Journal”, Volume III issue I (May 2021), a UK publication, includes a breed profile including history, health & conservation, its working ability, transferable skills etc. written by Patrice Fellows with input from our Chairman.
Available only as a hard copy from the above link.
In a recent edition of “Our Dogs”, a UK weekly published dog newspaper, there was an article by “The Dual Purpose Ideal – Walking the Walk” by the paper’s Editor, Alison Smith. It features three kennels that are well known for their dual-purpose dogs, the Carole and David Coode’s Warringah Labradors, Janet Morris’s Penrose Chesapeake Bay Retrievers and Martyn Ford’s Cúboglach Irish Water Spaniels. The paper is available online at this link. The edition in question was published on 12th February 2021.
Available only as a hard copy from the above link.
The November 4 edition of Shooting Times had covering its front page, a magnificent photo of Ian & Pauline Probert’s wonderful dog Kirkmarsh Mr Doyle of Hiberna (Doyle) as support for an article by David Tomlinson entitled “The battle to save our rarest gundogs.”
In the January 13 Shooting Times there is a lovely article on founding member Paul Farrington and his IWS bitch Bridie (Turnervale Iona) entitled “The Aristocrat of the marsh.”
Hard copies available from link above.
The Kennel Club has introduced breed health standards. Genetic diversity key for health testing for Irish water spaniels